Drum Circle & Trance Dance – Shamanic Experience
A weekend dedicated to experiencing in depth the benefits these practices offer people, and to discovering how the qualities revealed on the path can also be nurtured and used in daily life.
We will practice Drum Circle and Trance Dance in progressively deeper and more nurturing ways to integrate the gifts of both.
Rhythm, movement and breath will bring us into an atmosphere where body, mind and soul can vibrate in unison, and receive support from the spiritual forces that surface through shamanic dance and the power of drums.
Trance Dance
The ecstasy and freedom of dancing beyond the limits of space-time, receiving new insights and understandings to live your life to the fullest.
With the power of music of ancestral drum rhythms and percussion, Fire Breath and a bandana over your eyes, as your body dances freely you can “see” beyond physical limits, and through expanded states of consciousness rediscover the power of being a Consciousness connected to the Whole and Mother Earth.
Benefits of TranceDance:
- A direct experience and trust in the metaphysical healing powers we all possess.
- Disappearance of chronic patterns of behavior oriented toward imbalance and disease
- A leap into the adventure of exploring yourself without judgment and without making yourself wrong.
- The reduction of ego, which is replaced by the desire to appreciate others and support them.
- Pleasant relaxation in directly immersing oneself in the experiences of life
- Incredible energy, excitement and vitality
- The awakening of one’s Energizer and a return to a satisfying and guilt-free sexuality.
- A greater awareness of one’s inner world
- A lightness that results from a state of satisfaction and well-being.
We are not human beings hunting for spiritual experiences, we are spirits who are having a human experience….
It’s time to dance, and remember it….
For info
contact us
Or call 0571 461981