3-Day Facilitator Training

March 14_16th

with John Fitzgerald and Harshil Chiostri

(in english and spanish)



Share the joy and power of rhythm

Unleash smiles in children and the elderly

Educating for wellness and musicality

Making your events more exciting

Improve the result of corporate training

Nurturing and strengthening your community

This Training by
Village Music Circles, finely developed by
Arthur Hull over more than 40 years of experience, teaches you how to lead successful rhythmical events.

It gives you the tools, techniques and concepts, the “what, when and why” of how to facilitate the Drum Circle.

It allows you to accompany a group of people in an experience of continuous evolution of interactive dialogue, melodies and harmonies.
It allows you to stimulate participants to go beyond their limits in a playful way, culminating in a full-fledged orchestra, in the short span of an hour and a half

You will help participants
successfully experiment all the qualities that enable the formation of an effective team, close-knit and cohesive team.

You will guide people through one of the most
most effective, enjoyable and satisfying group activities in the world.
All this, beyond their musical competence.

Give participants the confidence, tools and inspiration they need to facilitate a Drum Circle/rhythmical event suitable for the widest variety of people and group type, to help you build and strengthen your rhythmical community.

The course program will include ensemble teaching and small-group exercises to test the learnings of the facilitation elements as they are presented.

The exercises will be taught sequentially, using movement, voice , musical instruments and improvised rhythmic games, in a simple to more complex manner as the facilitators’ skills gradually improve.

– Learn rhythm techniques, games and activities to motivate groups of people

– Develop facilitation skills needed to lead rhythm events

– Receive immediate feedback while learning

– Develop a specific evaluation technique (Critique Technique) such that they progressively improve their skills

– Exploring customized facilitation techniques and styles

– Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes of a novice facilitator

– Understand how to apply the learned skills to different types of populations

– Rhythmical skills based on universal principles of percussion playing

– Experiences with a multiplicity of musical styles, forms, and instruments

– Structured activities to learn facilitation through different tonalities, identification of timbres, variations over time, and different orchestration techniques

– Improvisation using music through body, voice and group activities

A true passepartout through which to unleash individual and collective creativity, aimed at all types of populations.

Harshil Filippo Chiostri is one of the Village Music Circles Global Trainers.
VMC Global is recognized worldwide for the excellent standard of quality and effectiveness.

Together with the diploma of participation you will then receive the teachings of Arthur Hull
to the highest quality available.

Check HERE for the next trainings worldwide

To whom it is addressed

Our Drum Circle Facilitator Trainings are aimed at Teachers, Educators, Musicians, Music Therapists, Coaches, Counselors, HR, Physicians, Clown Therapists, and all those people who use rhythm to nurture group wellness.


Facilitator Challenge

It is intended for those who are already VMC certified facilitators, that is, those who have participated in either the 3-day Training or the 6-day Training.


Becoming a Facilitator will give you the opportunity to connect to a network of facilitators, music therapists, practitioners and new people to collaborate with throughout Italy and the world.

3-Day Training Schedule Sample

09:00 > 13:00 Training
13:00 > 14:30 Lunch
14:30 > 18:00 Training

09:00 > 13:00 Training
13:00 > 14:30 Lunch
14:30 > 17:30 Training
17:30 > 19:00 Dinner
19:00 > 20:30 Training

09:00 > 13:00 Training
13:00 > 14:30 Lunch
14:30 > 18:00 Training
18:00 DRUM CIRCLE, open to the community
19:30 End of Training

Facilitator Challenge

It is a program developed for those facilitators who have already graduated with VMCs that actively use VMC technologies in their events.
The Challenge overlaps with any 3- or 6-day training.
More time is devoted to each of the facilitators for evaluation and improvement of their skills.

In fact, the training includes numerous opportunities to freely experiment with one’s facilitation skills during the exciting and challenging “Jump-Time.”

Jump-Time offers several hours of fun learning through the opportunity to practice and explore new skills in an atmosphere full of mutual support.

“Challenge” participants will be assigned and challenged to various experiences designed to enhance and deepen their skills, lead exercises with small groups and meanwhile be evaluated as part of their learning process.

By connecting with other colleagues, everyone will have the opportunity to learn new techniques and strategies, and to discuss ways to develop their own work.

This is an opportunity to challenge yourself, practice new skills, and be lovingly guided by your teacher to go beyond your limits.


Prior to participation you are strongly suggested to read:
Drum Circle Facilitation: Building Community Through Rhythm, by Arthur Hull
Order it by clicking HERE

Before attending, it is also required to watch the following video,
Introduction to the Art of Drum Circle Facilitation

Participant testimonies:

The presentation of the course was faultless. Harshil clearly and accurately expressed the important aspects of the method and answered all questions put to him in a timely manner.
He was able to establish a positive relationship with all participants, with whom he also managed to spend some pleasant moments outside the training time.
I returned home richer than before: I put a wonderful experience in my backpack, met new people who gave me new energy to continue on the road of music in the service of others.
I have begun to become familiar with a way of making music that can engage many and in the right ways all, enabling individual and social well-being to be achieved.
Through the method, I have learned even more respect for others, which is necessary for a facilitator who serves the circle and does not try to direct and always be the protagonist; at the same time, I have learned to respect myself as an individual and a human being, who has the possibility and the need to make mistakes, as from every mistake, if one wears the right lenses, one draws inspiration for improvement.
I liked the predominantly experiential organization of the course, which allowed me to anchor what I had read in the book and the manual to practical experience, then picked up and reworked by Harshil’s words; moreover, the type of didactics used allowed me to have a first experience of facilitating rhythmic circles, actively taking on the role of facilitator and breaking down some of the initial fears that can permeate the anticipation of facilitating an event.
I am happy and satisfied with this past experience and returned home happy.
Hi Harshil!
I really have to thank you because the course was great.
You managed to keep the learning atmosphere always engaging, joyful and alive among us as a group of participants ready to learn and between us and you.
All of the improvisation sessions together had their why and all of them were special in some way, but most of all I must say that the best thing was to see how each of us in our own way was able to loosen up and integrate within the activity, take more self-confidence, deeper joy in leading and playing together and then transfer our feelings to the group.

Absolutely positive feedback in all aspects, the course was presented in a really simple way for learning the tools that a facilitator needs to acquire; I had never participated in a drum circle and I didn’t even know how it evolved and I never thought I would get to do what I did, and that was thanks to the skill of the teacher but especially to the three U’s that distinguished him (humility, humanity and humor) and the energy of the people who were there with me.
I took home the satisfaction and joy in having tried and the magic of the bonding that took place between people.
Thank you thank you thank you Harshil

I enjoyed everything, playing percussion (I am not a musician and I had never tried to play as well as we did), seeing others try their hand at facilitation, jumping in even if with the fear of making mistakes but knowing that by making mistakes you learn and especially that you have to jump in to see where you go wrong and try try try…..

What you could have done better I really don’t know, for me it was great so

The course presentation was excellent, the relationship with the teacher open and helpful. The result I took home was learning a wonderful method lived in experience and not just theory and an awareness of the great power of the instrument music and drumcircle as a bridge of connection and joy between people.

I really liked how it was organized and conducted. The richness of the content and the flow of the course in a natural process and listening to the group.

“I find in your person great professionalism and clarity, combined with great competence and experience, handed down with humility. The great ability in expressing content always circulating energy, keeping the pace and attention, with great listening for the group, allowed you to create harmony, play, joy and freedom to express and be, without judgment, but bringing confidence and giving smiles.”

The course presentation was very professional and clear. The teacher got us into the Drum Circle world right away with practice, which is, in my view, important.
The lessons were very understandable, working at various levels and helping everyone learn at their own pace, giving everyone a chance to make mistakes and figure out where, improving moment by moment.
I entered this world without too many expectations, trying to remain as mentally free as possible, trying to overcome those barriers of shame and fear of incapacity.
I took home a little extra piece of self-esteem and a lot of desire to explore this world both in my profession as a music therapist and outside of it.
I was welcomed and involved in the training; I enjoyed the bond established with all the participants and the fact that I was able to help in the facilitation of the last Drum Circle open to the community, I think it was very important for everyone to have a similar experience under the supervision of the teacher.

I am still charged with positive energy, I think the course structured in this way was the top, even though it was intensive and charged for 3 days. In my opinion, it’s just fine the way it is!

Presentation in my opinion perfect, lecturer always attentive to the needs of the participants.

I take home at least two things: the joy of having met so many people with so many common traits, a real asset in contacts; a lot of serenity, I have put clear, simple, easily applicable tools in my pocket, I think I can start the adventure as a facilitator without excessive worries.

I really appreciated the accuracy and punctuality, keeping to schedule is a rare thing and much appreciated on my part.

I liked the presentation of the course axial to its structuring over the three days, as you were very linear and fluid.
Which has allowed me to feel comfortable and ready to receive your path so that I can treasure it in my wealth of experience.
I liked it in that the environment you were able to create was informal, but at the same time able to convey the professionalism inherent in the musical world in connection with the educational and social world.

I brought home a lot of confirmation, insights with which to be able to move forward and a desire to practice Drum Circle in my educational, communicative and social journey.

The course was well organized, held in a comfortable, clean, well-heated environment and with intense but functional schedules for the amount of topics to be covered.

The teacher was always clear, generous with insights into the topics and always available for clarification of doubts that arose before and during the training.

At the end, I verified that I had assimilated in a practical way everything I had previously prepared on, reading both the Italian booklet I received and part of the book “Drum Circle Facilitation.”

The importance of the training, in fact, lies precisely in moving to practical action (both active and observing the trainer and other participants), as opposed to written theoretical notions that often do not best render the facilitation techniques one wants to implement.

What I appreciated most was the atmosphere of relaxation, sharing, cheerfulness, but at the same time serious commitment, that was created during the three-day course between all participants and the trainer.

In addition, I realized the importance of addressing a user group interested in rhythm and percussion, discovering the pleasure of “teaching without teaching.”

Finally, I greatly appreciated the link that the trainer maintains with the participants, through membership in the Italian closed group and participation in the monthly meetings, which very usefully keep the community alive, active and up-to-date with the experiences of all members.

I thought the course was excellently developed and directed.
You can see all the commitment, dedication and experience gained over the years.
I know very well how difficult it is to “hold it together” for all those hours and all those days with a smile on my face.
True as well, you found helpfulness and motivation in those in front of you but you had a word for everyone, answered everyone’s questions, made everyone feel comfortable.
Personally, I had a great time and really appreciated your always being on point with professionalism, respect and dedication.
It’s an experience I would recommend to anyone regardless of whether you become a facilitator or not…beautiful place, beautiful people but it’s mostly the consistency with which you and all the people around you carry out your message that makes the difference. Chapeau.

The course was advertised and presented very well, everything was true to what was being presented on social media. Very good organization in transportation and various references, including the farmhouse. I think I couldn’t have found better.
As for the teacher, it was just what I expected! A very helpful and generous person who was able to guide us under the technical and human aspect, which in my opinion is indispensable for this activity. I am very glad to have met Harshil! Thanks and him I still carry with me a fire, a motivation, to better promote and start drum circles in my area. I hope to contribute to the spread of the power of rhythm among people.

I liked this continuous challenging of themselves, despite the musical knowledge within the circle. Now it is clear that the facilitator draws from more than just technical knowledge of music and percussion. I liked the flexibility and care with which the activities were offered and the internal organization (fantastic food :-)). It was a good investment, I came home very satisfied and motivated, I feel more framed in proposing my activities.

From this first experience with the drum circle I emerge reborn. Not only because the power of a perfectly aligned group and the magic of music and drums work silently in the deepest part of oneself, but also because confronting such a precise and instantaneous mirror gave me the opportunity to put myself out there and overcome my limitations while giving something of my own, intimate and precious to others.

This was only possible because of a teacher who was able to make his students independent without ever making them feel less than him.
An ability that well more unique than rare.
Until Sunday afternoon I thought 3 days could never be enough, yet today I feel charged and ready to take the risk of trying, precisely because life is nothing more than that leap into the void you make inside the circle.
I am grateful to have received this immense gift from Harshil, and to have felt loved cared for and recognized.
The way I am, I wouldn’t change anything that has happened, so I can’t give any indication of improvement other than to keep it up!

I brought home a myriad of insights, which as soon as I got back to work, were rekindled and gave me new blood to approach teaching on a more heart, less mind level.
For this I thank you personally, the love you put into communicating your method really stuck with me, and the “reading” characteristics you highlighted in dealing with people in the circle I immediately reviewed in my students and am already trying to add my own methods to these insights.
I also thank Arthur for bringing out such a level of awareness, I hope to carry it with me forever….

Everything was super professional: the materials received in advance, the thorough directions, the teacher genuinely attentive to all the individual participants, able to observe and perceive the nuances of each one and at the same time cultivate the group.
I took home the practical tools to start my own grassroots journey right away, but also a panoramic view of boundless and growing skills
permanent, touch in observing the master in action.

I liked the crystal-clear clarity of the method, the chance to try my first steps right away, and the opportunity to see my classmates and Challengers in action, learning from everyone in an environment of total human and educational support.

Add to that that everything-from the building, to the surrounding nature, to the people present, to the lovingly prepared food-was in keeping with this wonderful balance, which I have rarely experienced elsewhere.

The drum circle open to all on the last evening was crucial: the openness was impressive, the facilitator was able to become the rhythm himself, and I understood more deeply the potential of the technique.

<< One does not teach what one wants, I will even say that one does not teach what one knows or thinks one knows: one teaches and can teach only what one is. >> Jean Jaurès

Harshil Filippo Chiostri ” taught ” his authentic and all-round research, empathy capable of just authority, the positive gaze of one who is always on the way to non – judgment as well as to the beauty of music and humanity.

He ” taught ” the spirit of service.

He perfectly embodied the spirit of the Drum Circle, making the words of the manual come alive and activating each technical step with lightness and fluidity.

Yesterday I reread the manual and was amazed that we had actually accomplished every single step!

Possible, in such a short time and without ever weighing a “wheeze” ?!

It seemed to me a small miracle….

Returning home, in my luggage are joy, amazement and gratitude.

Joy for ” playing ” with all percussion putting aside the search for beauty of sound or specific techniques or whatever.

I played. Like a child discovering life without knowing it.

Astonishment because I did not believe that we really could condense all the characteristics that help us to be in the world in a better way into a basically simple and easy method.

Courage, listening, balanced exchange between individuality and community, responsibility and risk-taking, creativity, giving, lightness … through music and making music together !!!

Can a method, and a short training, really make all this touch and live and make it affordable for everyone?

I wouldn’t have believed it !

During the course presentation, I had greeted with some wariness words like “community” or ” sharing” : words often misused and betrayed just as betrayed is often music when it comes to ” music for all.”

Not this time.

I am very grateful to Arthur Hull for the ingenious conception and to those who devoted themselves to the ” fine-tuning ” of this method; I am very grateful to Harshil and my fellow trainers; I am grateful to Life who gave me this experience so special, light and simple as a game, complex and enveloping as existence itself.

I hope to be able to cherish and care for these seeds so that they sprout and spread their essences, colors, scents, on everything I encounter.

Course presentation:

In my opinion absolutely progressive and clear. It gave me a step-by-step understanding (platform by platform) of what valuable work can be built within a facilitated Drum Circle, both for the circle and for oneself. I was really amazed.

Quality of the relationship developed with the teacher

Esteem is the first word that comes to mind. Your relational style is absolutely engaging and reassuring. So much to learn.

What the result brought home

A desire to experiment in this type of discipline, continuing in training, overcoming some of my limitations and helping to foster community well-being.

I could say I liked everything (absolute truth) but the thing I appreciated most was your desire to want to pass on knowledge, knowledge, skills to take out and distribute to the world. Quite the opposite of what happens in everyday life where many people are used to entrenching themselves in their own castle in defense of what belongs to them. You don’t. What I perceived was: go and bring culture and well-being among people. Beautiful!

The course was extremely good, serious, deep and playful at the same time.
Far above expectations, which being set on “normal” life are generally a bit low.
I was struck by the competence and seriousness, which remain somewhat in the background compared to an apparent simplicity, and I think that is fair enough.
Excellent sensitivity shown by Harshil to all ideas, manifestations of thought, lifestyles, ways of feeling and expressing oneself, without characterizing the training in one way rather than another.